"We can't afford to go back": Speed vital to transform Leeds into a walking and cycling city post-lockdown, campaigners say

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Bold and speedy action is needed now to make Leeds a truly walking and cycling-friendly city and avoid a return to car-dominated businesses as usual after lockdown, campaigners have said.

Lockdown restrictions have seen an unprecedented drop in the amount of cars on the city's roads, freeing up space for walking and cycling.

But there are fears Leeds could soon return to pre-lockdown levels of congestion within weeks now measures are easing.

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Leeds City Council has been using lockdown to bring forward changes such as pavement widening, but transport campaigner Rob Greenland said he feared Leeds may be "missing the boat".

Cycling in Leeds.Cycling in Leeds.
Cycling in Leeds. | jpimedia

"Measures have to be put in place before we start going back to 'normal'," he said.

"And in a city where one third of households don't own a car - far higher in poorer communities - we have to give people realistic options for getting to work and getting around - including safe bike infrastructure."

Within the past few days, cyclists have been seriously injured after being hit by cars in Gipton and Harewood.

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And a father-of-two was killed just over the border in north Yorkshire when he was hit by a motorist earlier this month.

The council has also launched an interactive website to share details of planned measures and to enable residents to have a say about what is needed in their area.

Mr Greenland added: "I think it's great that so many people in Leeds have offered feedback to the council about how changes could be made to streets to make them more friendly to people walking and cycling.

"The key thing now though is action - right across the city.

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"Other cities have moved quickly on things like trial bike lanes and widened pavements in neighbourhoods to make social distancing easier, and to support local shops.

"Whilst it's great that there's been such a successful consultation, we need to now get on with things.

"We can't afford to go back to how things were before."

Paul Chatterton, a geography professor at the University of Leeds, agreed.

"If it takes a crisis to get us the transport system we need then so be it," he said.

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"We must remember we will soon return to pre-lockdown levels of car use and back to the congestion air quality and climate crisis.

"The council is showing some massive ambition which is really great and I would really ask them to move even quicker."

Prof Chatterton said that while some were pushing hard for change in Leeds, others were finding it hard to move away from Leeds' status as the motorway city of the seventies.

"So we are in a transition and being pulled in two directions still," he added.

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"This is frustrating for many of us who have got families and have to navigate the horrors of our transport system - and also know the science and know what problems lay ahead."


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