Storm Nigel: Leeds weather alert for heavy rain issued by Met Office with flooding and travel warnings

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The Met Office has issued a weather warning for Leeds as heavy rain and thunderstorms forecast across England Wales.

Remnants of a second hurricane will sweep across the UK later this week – bringing further heavy showers and thunderstorms.

Hurricane Nigel, formed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean over the weekend, is now heading north towards Europe and while it is expected to weaken in the coming days, the storm is set to create more unsettled conditions and make its presence felt.

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Met Office spokesperson Grahame Madge said: “These systems have a long reach, it will increase rainfall rates and also winds to bring unsettled weather to the UK.”

Remnants of a second hurricane will sweep across the UK later this week. Picture: James HardistyRemnants of a second hurricane will sweep across the UK later this week. Picture: James Hardisty
Remnants of a second hurricane will sweep across the UK later this week. Picture: James Hardisty

Outbreaks of rain, heavy at times, will affect most parts of Leeds and Yorkshire across Tuesday and Wednesday. The heaviest and most persistent rainfall during this period is expected to affect the high ground of northwest England, northwest Wales and south Wales.

Forecasters warn there is a good chance driving conditions will be affected by spray, standing water and/or hail, leading to longer journey times by car and bus. Delays to train services are also possible, as well as damage to a few buildings and structures from potential flooding.

There is also described as being “a slight chance” that power cuts could occur and other services to some homes and businesses could be lost.

Leeds had previously enjoyed a glorious start to September, which saw the UK Health Security Agency upgrade its heat health alert warning from yellow to amber across the region.