Watch as plane fails to land TWICE at Leeds Bradford Airport before diverting during Storm Dennis

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High winds brought on by Storm Dennis forced a plane to divert away from Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) on Saturday.

Planes often struggle to land at LBA during high winds as it is the highest airport in the country.

Storm Dennis brought wind speeds of up to 80mph to Yorkshire over the weekend.

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Jodi Barrett saw several planes struggling to land on the airstrip on Saturday night.

An Aer Lingus flight from Dublin struggles to land at Leeds Bradford Airport in March 2019 amid strong winds brought in by Storm Freya (Photo: Dan Rowlands / Aer Lingus flight from Dublin struggles to land at Leeds Bradford Airport in March 2019 amid strong winds brought in by Storm Freya (Photo: Dan Rowlands /
An Aer Lingus flight from Dublin struggles to land at Leeds Bradford Airport in March 2019 amid strong winds brought in by Storm Freya (Photo: Dan Rowlands / | other

One plane failed to land at around 10.15pm, circled back and then landed successfully landed at 10.30pm.

But a second plane, captured on video by Jodi, attempted to land shortly after but was forced to abort.

It then circled back round and tried to land again shortly before 11pm, but again could not land and was then diverted to Manchester Airport, where it landed successfully.

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Andrew Thomas, who lives in Leeds, was on a flight on Sunday that managed to land successfully first time, but was bumpy nevertheless.

He was leaving Amsterdam Schiphol when the plane's captain told passengers he wasn't confident of landing at Leeds and that plane "might not make the landing".

"After a relatively calm flight we came descending into Leeds and everything was shaking, plane going side to side, on the approach the pilot was literally fighting against the wind - it was like being on a roller coaster carriage that was coming out of the sky," he said.

"You had no control and it seemed the pilot was fighting for any control.

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"Then as we got closer to landing, the wind picked up even more and the pilot added more speed and turned the plane whilst battling against it, then finally touched down, but because we had so much speed he needed to slam the brakes on to stop us going off the runway."