Yorkshire Ambulance Service declares major incident as it warns service is 'critically busy'

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Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) has urged people to only call in the event of a "serious or life-threatening emergency" as its services come under extreme pressure.

YAS tweeted this afternoon: "We are extremely busy this afternoon. Please only call us in a life-threatening situation."

Nick Smith Executive Director of Operations, said: "We are asking members of the public to only call us in a serious or life-threatening emergency to help us focus our efforts on our most poorly patients.

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"We are currently experiencing extremely high demand and this is having a severe impact on our operations. We are implementing a number of actions in order to protect our core services for patients and respond to the ongoing demand."

Yorkshire Ambulance Service is critically busy today.Yorkshire Ambulance Service is critically busy today.
Yorkshire Ambulance Service is critically busy today.

"Our dedicated staff are working extremely hard to reach patients as quickly and safely as possible."

Elliot Carter, a YAS medical dispatcher, tweeted: "We are CRITICALLY BUSY at present. Please do only call us for immediate life saving help. Do consider, if safe to do so - making your own way to the Emergency Department. This enables us to send our Ambulances to people who desperately need them."