YEP Says: Bringing streets to a standstill is not good for Leeds

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WE have sympathy with the private hire drivers of Leeds.

They seem to have some valid complaints. Drivers claim there are not enough pick up points in Leeds city centre and it is difficult to avoid stopping at bus stops, where fines can be issued.

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Their organisation is also calling on the council to allow private hire drivers to use bus lanes in a move they say would cut emissions, reduce journey times and reduce costs to customers.

PIC: Simon HulmePIC: Simon Hulme
PIC: Simon Hulme

And the fact that 300 drivers joined in a go-slow protest yesterday morning shows a considerable strength of feeling.

But is bringing chaos to Leeds city centre really a productive move?

Surely causing problems for commuters and shoppers at this busy time of year is hardly likely to win arguments?

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Leeds City Council, the drivers and the police need to sit around a table for an hour and hammer out these points in a proper grown-up manner.

PIC: Simon HulmePIC: Simon Hulme
PIC: Simon Hulme

That would be better than bringing more chaos to our streets at what is already a busy time.

Leeds City Council spokeswoman said talks between the parties were ongoing.

Let’s hope they will make some progress now and stop innocent people being so inconvenienced.