Chris Wilder fires strong Sheffield United warning ahead of Leeds United clash

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BOSS Chris Wilder has warned his Sheffield United side to stop giving other sides "gifts" ahead of Sunday's Premier League showdown against Leeds United at Bramall Lane.

The Blades are approaching Sunday's Yorkshire derby without a point to their name following an opening weekend 2-0 loss at home to Wolves and Monday evening's 1-0 defeat at Aston Villa.

Wilder, though, says his side are making it easy for their opponents via generous defending which the Blades boss says he cannot accept ahead of this weekend's clash against the Whites.

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"We went 2-0 down early against Wolves, not from unbelievable creativity from a very good side," Wilder told the Sheffield Star.

'UNACCEPTABLE': Sheffield United boss Chris Wilder, left, pictured during Monday evening's 1-0 loss at Aston Villa in which he was again unhappy with Blades 'gifts'. Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images.'UNACCEPTABLE': Sheffield United boss Chris Wilder, left, pictured during Monday evening's 1-0 loss at Aston Villa in which he was again unhappy with Blades 'gifts'. Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images.
'UNACCEPTABLE': Sheffield United boss Chris Wilder, left, pictured during Monday evening's 1-0 loss at Aston Villa in which he was again unhappy with Blades 'gifts'. Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images.

"We gifted them two goals. And at Villa, it's not a well-worked goal.

"We're killing ourselves. If Jack Grealish beats three players and sticks the ball into the top corner, then that's a great goal.

"If we get done on the counter-attack, because we've been ambitious going the other way, you can semi-accept that.

"But I can't accept the gifts of goals we're giving.

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"We're not one of the top sides, so we can't look at the fixture list and say 'we'll win this game and that one'.

"We've got to get over the hurdles in front of us, and we're making it too easy for teams in terms of the goals they're scoring against us."

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Thank you Laura Collins