Generous Leeds United stars' gesture will make a difference to hundreds of city families during coronavirus crisis

Leeds United players have made a 'sizeable' donation to help the Leeds Fans Foodbank (Pic: Jonathan Gawthorpe)Leeds United players have made a 'sizeable' donation to help the Leeds Fans Foodbank (Pic: Jonathan Gawthorpe)
Leeds United players have made a 'sizeable' donation to help the Leeds Fans Foodbank (Pic: Jonathan Gawthorpe) | jpimedia
Leeds United players have made a 'sizeable donation' to a foodbank that will make a difference to hundreds of families across the city during the coronavirus crisis.

The Leeds Fans Foodbank is a charity partnership that was set up around 13 months ago by the Leeds United Supporters Trust and began taking collections a year ago, combining two Leeds foodbanks - Leeds North and West Foodbank and Leeds South and East - that cover most of the city.

It takes collections on matchdays at Elland Road and according to the Trust's Graham Hyde, Whites supporters have been both fully supportive and generous.

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"It had been really superbly supported in terms of donations and collections," he said.

"We set out originally with the aim of collecting £10,000 in cash which would help the coffers of the foodbank and enable them to run in a number of different ways. But the food collections happening on match days were incredibly vital.

"Over the course of the first six months of collections we raised somewhere in the region of 8,000 meals, which makes a massive difference. But also the cash donations have massively boosted that again.

"The last week of collections, since last Saturday, we've had £3,000 worth in. That's about 3,500 meals the foodbank will be able to give out in effect now."

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What was already a difficult time for many families has recently worsened due to the coronavirus outbreak, which has not only put paid to Leeds United fixtures, but the foodbank's ability to collect food. So financial donations have taken on new significance.

"It's hugely concerning," said Graham.

"It means there can't be any donations and collections. Obviously because it's run by volunteers, their safety is incredibly important, these are people doing great things but they've got their own lives. There can't be a risk of them getting it also. Pretty much all donations of food have now stopped so the money enables the foodbanks to continue to operate, purchasing what they need to stock and deliver to families who are really in need."

So the unprompted decision by a group of anonymous Leeds United footballers has come at the perfect time for the initiative. It's not the first time they've got involved, but their latest gesture is set to make a huge impact in the lives of local people in need.

"Last year the players, off their own back, without being asked by the club, and we won't name names because they're not looking for any praise, they got together and collected and bought goods to take as a physical donation," said Graham.

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"This year they've done the same thing but with a whip around for a donation to the funds. It's something they did last year that they've done in a different way this year.

"First of all it's wonderfully received because the donation is sizeable and will make a difference to literally hundreds of families across Leeds, which is huge.

"These are interesting, at best times, but certainly worrying for a lot of people. Lots of people who perhaps were on the cup of needing foodbanks, but were okay, may now be in a position where they might need them. For a sense of community, the players who live in an entirely different bubble taking from their own pockets to support the rest of the community gives us a sense of solidarity with them."

If you want to get involved with the foodbank, click HERE for the Trust's Twitter account.

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"We've raised about £11,300, we're aiming to get up to £15,000 if we can," said Graham.

"Every pound goes towards ensuring it continues to operate, buying goods that are needed, meeting operating costs which are kept to an absolute minimum. Every pound is a way to make a difference and make sure vulnerable people can feed their families in a difficult time."