Norman Hunter remembered - Fans share ideas of permanent tribute to Leeds United legend

The Elland Road faithful have been sharing their ideas and thoughts on a permanent tribute to Leeds United legend Norman Hunter.The Elland Road faithful have been sharing their ideas and thoughts on a permanent tribute to Leeds United legend Norman Hunter.
The Elland Road faithful have been sharing their ideas and thoughts on a permanent tribute to Leeds United legend Norman Hunter. | jpimedia
The Elland Road faithful have been sharing their ideas and thoughts on a permanent tribute to Leeds United legend Norman Hunter.

The 76-year-old died of the coronavirus on Friday, April 17.

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Norman Hunter remembered - 12 career-defining moments of a Leeds United legend

He made 726 appearances for the Elland Road club and formed a formidable partnership with Jack Charlton in the Whites' most successful era.

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Fans have been making suggestions on social media as to how best pay tribute to the Hunter whose tackling style earned him the nickname “Bites Yer Legs” but he had technical ability too, and was voted the PFA's first player of the year in 1974.

Responses included:

Colin Taylor - I think a wall of bronze plaques with all legends who have passed away. To include a engraving of the players face...Individuals to sponsor each plaque. Given it’s not a huge amount of names each plaque could cost up to £1,000 to have sponsors name included with profits going to a Leeds United charity. I’ll sponsor the first.

Andrew Thomas - Rename Lowfields Road to Norman Hunter Way

Paul Sharkey - Bronze plaque outside the West Stand, maybe an engraved picture with Norman's club and country honours.

Jane Oddy - There should be a permanent museum to celebrate the Revie and Wilko years. Unfortunately we also lost Paul Madeley and nothing was done for him. I remember a temporary museum at Elland Road for Euro 96 and think this would be a fitting tribute.

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Beatrice M Glover - I’d definitely sponsor a memorial. A bronze plaque would be amazing. One for each legend.

Shona Kilgar - I think it would make sense to have a bronze plaque outside the west stand with that being the stand his hospitality suit is. Fan donations towards a memorial would be nice.

Chris Belcher - Is there anyway a light show could be projected on the side of Elland Road? Maybe with some quotes? Memorable moments?

Yvonne Fletcher - The problem is Revie’s boys are all at an age where we will be losing more, we just need a wall or large area dedicated to those players. We could have a little seated stand with seated statues of past players already seated, with spaces for when players pass. Then the they will always have their season ticket.

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Dei Clarke - Maybe have a game that on his passing date or near to that date at Elland road call it Norman Hunter day. All proceeds would go toward something that was dear to Norman and his family.

Jane Oddy - Maybe sponsored seats in ground. Like when Bond was in existence but instead of having your name on, have legend name and a donation for each player named to go to charity.

Jack Crawford - They should rename the South stand as the Norman Hunter stand! And also I think they should put a statue of him outside Elland Road!

And responses on Twitter included:

Jairstone (@Jairstone) - I set up a petition yesterday for South Stand to be renamed after him, just a thought, people will probably have better ideas and I’m sure the club will have their own plans.

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colin (@bob87688678) · I would like to see a wall made up of individual plaques with the names of legends who have passed away. As an individual I would be happy to sponsor a plaque so no cost to the club. The players face could be engraved on it as well.

MikeyLUFC (@MikeyLUFCALAW) - Rename South Stand?

LUFC Lee (@mgn87) - Renaming South Stand is a great idea.


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