Pop-up library of 'human black history books' to bring stories to life at Leeds Kirkgate Market event

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'Human black history books' will bring their stories to life at an event at Leeds Kirkgate Market this month.

Sitting behind jumbo-sized book frames, the speakers will tell their lived experiences of inequality, unconscious bias, racial injustices, mental health and life in Leeds.

The event, Never Judge a Book by its Colour, will be held on October 30.

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There will be arts and crafts, as well as an array of African and Caribbean cuisine, light entertainment and a Black History pop-up exhibition

Dionne Edwards, founder of Nubian NioreDionne Edwards, founder of Nubian Niore
Dionne Edwards, founder of Nubian Niore

It's been organised by Nubian Noire, a not-for-profit organisation that works to support BAME businesses and entrepreneurs.

Its founder, Dionne Edwards, hopes the event will encourage powerful conversations, challenging prejudice and unconscious biases as people interact with the human books.

Running at the end of Black History Month, Dionne said it was vital that black history is celebrated beyond just 30 days.

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She told the Yorkshire Evening Post: "I chose the theme 'never judge a book by its colour' as we tend to go round having a halo over our heads, judging other people.

"We wanted encourage these people to come and tell their stories - it's so important that comes straight from the author's mouth.

"Black History should be embraced in its entirety if we want to affect change. Black achievements should be fully acknowledged, celebrated and showcased every day."

You can join in the celebration on Saturday October 30 at Kirkgate Market's event space from 10am till 5pm.

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